How I came to the United States
By Francisco | From : Palm Beach (Florida) | School : Royal Palm Beach High SchoolHi my name is Francisco, I was born in Mexico. I am 15 years old and I am going to share my personal ‘’How I came to the United States‘’ story. I departed from my country Mexico on to the United States.
Well, I was born in a place called Chiapas Palenque, is part of Mexico Campeche. When I was 5 year old, I moved to another city called Huehuetenango. It is located in the beautiful country of Guatemala. I was excited to live in Huehuetenango because all the things I saw there are all natural and healthy, I moved with my family in there because you don’t pay for your house or your land so that why we move in there. But in Mexico we don’t have nothing in there, only our house that was it, no land or nowhere we can play with my brothers.
The truth is I have many siblings, I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters. Like I said, we had nowhere to play, and then my Dad thought it was better to go to Guatemala because there he knows everybody there .
There is his family, his friends, all acquaintances of him because he was born there in Guatemala. They recommended to my father to go in there because there is a lot of space where children play and do not take risks. My father then decided for us to go there, so when we got there my grandmother greeted us with a big hug. My Grandfather loves us very much because we are are the only grandchildren that my grandparents had in those times.
Then my father started trying to work in Guatemala, but he did not have anything. He did not earn much money to support us, then he knew that he would not be able to support us.
So he decided to leave us in Guatemala, did not want to give me any study, went away like nothing, he abandoned us.
Eight years later I’m already a little older, thirteen years old to be exact. I was already riding anywhere, but when I look at my Grandparents, they could not keep me anymore. So I decided to go back to the country of Mexico where I was born. I took the road all the way to the city of Carmen Campeche, which is another part of Mexico more to the north, and when I got there I found a job. I worked with a man named Mr.Francisco, but everybody called him Mr. Pancho, I worked with him for many months, approximately six months or seven. During those times, I was taking care of my Grandparents, I would send them money to eat, well they are the only ones I have. I was working better with Mr. Pancho and when I was done with my job, he gave me two months of vacation. I took the time so I can come back to Guatemala where my Grandparents are, well my parents…
When I arrived to Guatemala is when I made the decision to come here to the United States. I was getting tired of seeing my Grandmother crying from having so much debt, that´s the reason why I decided to come here…