I started being a man when I was just 14 years
By Jairo | From : Honduras | School : MarylandI moved to USA like 2 years plus a half ago. Everything changed since I came to USA. I have a new family, people around who call you “friend” . I started being a man when I was just 14 years old. I was living good in Honduras with my grandparents. I was pretty close to them, I was one of the favorites grandson of my grandparents in the way that I was acting like a man and being just a young man. I used to live with my grandparents mother side and I used to be pretty poor really poor the only time that I had money it was because my mom would send me money. I was like 6 years old when my parents left me with my mom parents. After a while, somebody killed my grandfather in front of me. When my grandfather got killed, I was like 7 or 10 years old. After he was killed, I moved to my father’s side of the family.
I think I don’t deserve to see my grandfather again because when he was killed in front of me I didn’t do anything. After everything happened, the family came. Everybody was crying but I was the only one who didn’t feel anything. But now, it hurts me so bad that I think he would be disappointed of me. I feel like I need to be strong so if something like that happens again I would be ready. When I moved to my father’s side of the family things were better. I wasn’t poor no more. My grandparents are pastors so we didn’t live that bad. My mom decided to bring me to USA and I was like 14 years old.
Often, I feel like my family is just in Honduras, not here. I think my grandparents are my parents. Then, I came to USA and I have a new family and I get new rules, new people telling me what to do. I started thinking that I didn’t have to listen to them because my mom left me. She didn’t understand why was I acting like a man. She thought I was the kid who she left when I was 6 years old. My mom learned me, she learned that she doesn’t have a son as a kid no more. She knows the things I do and she cares a lot about me. I can’t feel more proud of myself. Because after all I been through I’m still here standing up, going to school getting better. All I want is finish high school and after that start being a mechanic, I want to be a mechanic owner business, I also want to help my mom to get a apartment, a house, somewhere to live, help my sisters to get to college. Do what my father have not done.
Coming to USA was so hard, I took like 14 days to get here it wasn’t a lot of days but those 14 days were pretty hard for me. Some people kidnapped me and I was there for like 5 days I wish that did no happen because it was so horrible, they were hitting people and making people pay 3.000 or more dollars to let them go. I was looking at all of that and all of that was happening in front of me, I didn’t know what to do, I was in shock, my mom paid the money and I could be free after that immigration took me to a warehouse.
May 8th, 2017 at 6:25 pmcan you pleaase name some possitive things.
May 8th, 2017 at 6:27 pmdo you miss your grandfather even thoh he’s dead ;(