Valore todo lo que tiene porque es duro lo que uno sufre y pasa en su país
By Brandon | From : Guatemala | School : Academic Leadership Community at Miguel ContrerasHola me llamo Brandon, soy de Guatemala y vengo a contarte la historia sobre mi.
De chiquito no me gustaba ir a la escuela porque me molestaban, Un día que mis papas, mis hermanos, y mis primos me vieron que me molestaban me dijeron que me tenía que defender y no dejarme.
Entonces yo pues ya sabia pelear y no tener miedo porque cuando me enojaba nadie me paraba. Como quien dice no me controlaban y perdía el control. A las 2 semanas de empezar la escuela ya no me deje y tome cartas en el asunto, le pegue a un niño.
Lo dejé adolorido y el director me llamó la atención, también llamo a mis papas porque perdí el control y ahí se descontrolo todo. Un día también me agarre a golpes con otro más alto que yo, y los dos terminamos graves.
Hasta mi amigo que andaba siempre conmigo salió herido, y se le abrió la ceja del lado izquierdo, lo tuvieron que llevar al hospital.
En Guatemala casi todos los niños nacemos así humildes, sin dinero como de clase media. Pero mi familia estaba entre baja y media clase, yo casi no llevaba dinero a la escuela para comprar golosinas o tomar algo, hasta que mi papá se vino a Estados Unidos.
Desde que él se vino para acá me sentía solo, sentía como si mi papá me hubiera abandonado porque casi no hablaba con él. Hasta que él me llamó un día y me dijo que algún día me iba a mandar a traer, y que entonces yo iba a ver y entender la razón de por qué casi no me hablaba.
El 23 de abril del 2018 vine a este país, Estados Unidos, y también me sentía solo. Aunque ya estaba con mi papá, me sentía solo porque elntrabajaba día y noche para pagar la renta y la comida de nosotros. Ahí entendí todo, aquí no era color de rosas como todos lo pintaban, acá uno sufre robo, maltrato y discriminacion.
Mi relación con mi papá no era tan buena que digamos. A veces me pegaba sin razón o casi no la pasaba en casa. Muchas veces le pedía algo y casi no me lo daba o compraba, él solo quería el dinero para tomar o algo que a él le gustaba.
Y de mí se acordaba que necesitaba cosas en navidad o mi cumpleanos.
Yo lo que pensaba de Estados Unidos era que uno nomás llegaba y ya tenía dinero.
Pensaba que acá era una vida de lujo y que uno podía comprar carros casas y que tenían mayordomos.
Pensaba así por lo que las personas en mi país decían sobre este país.
Hasta ahora entiendo todo, y gracias a Dios mis papas tienen tiempo para nosotros. Ahora que mi hermanita está creciendo yo le enseño lo que es bueno y malo; y también que valore todo lo que tiene porque es duro lo que uno sufre y pasa en su país.
Value everything you have because what you suffer and go through in your country is hard
Hello, my name is Brandon, I am from Guatemala and I come to tell you the story about myself. When I was little I didn’t like going to school because they bullied me. One day when my parents, my brothers, and my cousins saw me being bullied, they told me that I had to defend myself, Not let anyone hurt me.
So I already knew how to fight and not be afraid because when I’m mad no one stopped me. As they say, they didn’t control me and I lost control. Two weeks after starting school he stopped leaving me and I took matters into my own hands, I hit a child.
I left him in pain and the director called my attention. I also called my parents because I lost control and everything got out of control.
One day I also got into a fight with someone taller than me, and we both ended up in serious trouble.
Even my friend who was always with me was injured, and his eyebrow on the left side split open, so they had to take him to the hospital.
In Guatemala, almost all children are born humble, without money, and middle class. But my family was between lower and middle class, I hardly took money to school to buy candy or have a drink, until my dad came to the United States.
Since he came here I felt alone, I felt like my dad had abandoned me because I hardly spoke to him. Until he called me one day and told me that one day he was going to send me for him, and that then I was going to see and understand the reason why he hardly spoke to me.
On April 23, 2018, I came to this country, the United States, and I also felt alone. Although I was already with my dad, I felt alone because he worked day and night to pay our rent and food. There I understood everything, here it was not rosy as everyone painted it, here one suffers robbery, abuse and discrimination.
My relationship with my dad was not that good. Sometimes he hit me for no reason or I hardly spent any time at home. Many times I would ask him for something and he would hardly give it to me or buy it, he just wanted the money to drink or something that he liked.
And he reminded me that I needed things for Christmas or my birthday.
What I thought about the United States was that you just arrived and you already had money.
I thought that here was a life of luxury and that you could buy cars, houses and that they had butlers.
I thought this way because of what people in my country said about this country.
So far I understand everything, and thank God my parents have time for us. Now that my little sister is growing up, I teach her what is good and bad; and also value everything you have because what you suffer and go through in your country is hard.