
I am from humble and twisted roots — From the seed of opportunity

By Melanie Arroyave  |   From : Bayonne, NJ  |   School : Bayonne High School


I am from Eyba and Luis.
From early day boleros, flamenco, and late night vallenatos

I am from a life full of chicanery,
And lately I’ve been running low on battery,
But thankfully today I no longer have anything against my immediate family.

I am from humble and twisted roots—
From the seed of opportunity.

I am from friends who treat me as if I were family,
And from extended family who treat each other with envy, resentment, hypocrisy, and no sense of morality.

I am from a father who believes, “Los genios no nacen… se hacen”, and from a mother who engraved Max Ehrmann’s poem, “Desiderata” into my bone-marrow

I am from puzzle pieces and deciphers.
As I continue to type, I unravel a bit of the bigger picture, and who knows the code might crack.
Some may say my life is out of whack, but I am not here to compare, but share.

I am from the same paint brush that laid the strokes on the “School of Athens”.

I am from innumerous cardiac monitors that have given me fright at night,
Because they can’t seem to predict when a heart will rupture, but keep you inclined to keep on listening to life’s most precious rhythmical structure.
I am the wandering visitor searching for the yellow light— Tragedy has given me energy and sight.
I am the living and functioning product of life’s ongoing battles and victorious glories
I’m am a mere glimpse of twenty-first century reality, therefore I suggest you take a picture you could never recreate, even if you believe it’s too late.
(Trust me it’s never too late)
Reminisce about the past, Enjoy today, and envision tomorrow.
After all, we are all just passengers.

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