
Leaving Honduras

By Maryori  |   From : Honduras  |   School : Everett High School

Hace aproximadamente tres años, mis papás decidieron salir de nuestro país El Salvador. Tenía 14 años, no sabía que íbamos a salir del país para viajar a los Estados Unidos. Alrededor de una semana nos tomó para cruzar Guatemala y llegar a México, luego de haber llegado a México tomamos un avión en el cual cruzamos la mitad del territorio Mexicano. Al llegar a la frontera tuvimos que cruzar con un grupo de personas, alrededor de nosotros había personas con armas de fuego, eran amables pero aun así podíamos sentir miedo. Cruzamos la frontera entre México y Estados Unidos. Nos agarró la Migración. Teníamos mucho miedo, nos metieron a un lugar tipo cárcel, en otras palabras le llamaban perreras. Teníamos temor que nos regresaran de nuevo a nuestro país pero con la ayuda de Dios nos dieron entrada al país y no nos regresaron. <e siento feliz porque tengo la oportunidad de poder estudiar libremente sin miedo a que me secuestren o amenacen a mi familia como lo estábamos viviendo en mi país. Esa es una de las razones por la cual mis padres decidieron emigrar a los Estados Unidos para darnos un mejor futuro.


Around three years ago, my parents decided to leave our country of El Salvador. I was 14 years old, I didn;t know we were going to leave our country to travel to the United States. It took us about a week to cross Guatemala and arrive in Mexico; after arriving in Mexico we took a plane in which we crossed half of the Mexican territory. When we got to the border we had to cross with a group of people, around us were people with fire weapons, they were friendly but even so we could still feel fear. We crossed the border between Mexico and the United States; Migration caught us, we were very scared, they put us in a jail-like place that in other words were called dog houses, we were terrified that they would send us back to our country but with God’s help they gave us entry into the country and didn;t send us back. I feel happy because I have the opportunity to be able to study freely without fear that I will be kidnapped or my family will be threatened like what we were living in my country. That is one of the reasons why my parents decided to emigrate to the United States to give us a better future.



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