
Everything Changes

By Keisy  |   From : Honduras  |   School : Lehigh Senior High School

Life can seem hopeless sometimes, but when you find hope through trials, everything changes. In 2021 my life changed completely. I was just fourteen years old when I was diagnosed with depression.  My family was healthy, food was always on our table, we didn’t have any economic issues, everything was fine. There was no reason for me to be sad all the time. I couldn’t explain how my chest was empty most of the time. I felt there was no reason to keep living. People who care, and love me were worried about my well being because no one could understand what was going on. 

My mom decided to take my cousin, and I to Roatan, which is an Island located in Honduras. We had the beautiful opportunity of being in the ocean with dolphins swimming around us. In the afternoons the sky had different colors of pink, orange, blue, and yellow just like a colorful rainbow. The sunset was perfect! We took millions of pictures because none of us wanted to forget those amazing memories. My mom wanted to demonstrate to me that life was wonderful, and there were more things that I could explore, see, and enjoy in the future. That trip kinda helped to refresh my mind just for a little bit, but the emptiness never went away. One day my grandma took me to her church. If I’m being honest I felt out of place since I wasn’t not used to it. But I had an encounter with God, and later got baptized. God changed that sadness for happiness, and I’m not saying that now my life is perfect without any hard moments, but now I know that in every hard situation there’s hope, no matter what. He filled that emptiness that no one could fill, and gave me peace. That hard moment in my life gave me the opportunity now to share with others about Jesus, and how he can change their lives completely for good. 

If I have the opportunity of helping someone who’s struggling with depression I would tell them to seek Jesus first, since he’s the only one who can fill their soul, and give them peace in their heart. Many people say money can bring you happiness,  but just for a moment because it’s something materialistic, but isn’t eternal. I had an amazing trip in the best hotel of the whole island, and I went to amazing places, but that didn’t make me feel good on the inside. I hope one day I can become a christian psychologist to give advice, help those who are struggling,  because it would be God guiding me to help all these people coming to my clinic. I hope I can share the gospel with many more people  all around the world to remind people they’re not alone in anything because there’s someone who loves them more than anyone in this world. 

Is very important that all people experiencing any symptoms of depression need to seek help, and don’t be ashamed of going through this because it’s completely normal. Many individuals are willing to help, and listen to any of their struggles. 

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