My Journey from Rwanda
By Eric Ishimwe | From : Kansas City, MO | School : East High SchoolIn 2014 l left my country. Before l left, I did many things.
First, I said goodbye to my friends. Second, we had a celebration. Third, we danced. When l left my country, l felt sad because l left my friends. l also felt happy because l like America. My journey to the United States was fun. It took me three days to get there. During the trip, l felt happy because I was traveling with my family. We were going to see my uncle in America. I also felt sad because many members of my family were not coming with us.
Coming to America was a blessing to me. Before I came, I had many expectations. First, I thought I was going to paradise land where everything is easy and free. I was wrong. Second, I thought everybody had a big house. Third, I thought my parents will have a job right away. I was mistaking.
My school in Kansas City is different than my old school in my country. First, we eat lunch at school. Second, we ride the school bus. Third, We have laptops. However, my school here is also similar to my old school. First, teachers are caring. Second, we have the same school subjects such as math, science, and social studies. Third, students must respect their teachers. East High School is a great school.
Today my life is good. First, I go to school. I have fun with my friends. Second, I speak English. Third, I have good teachers. Today, I feel great about moving to America. I feel sad because I left my friends behind. I also feel happy because I like America. I am in Kansas city now.