A computer life
By Ewan Deniel-Valero | From : Béziers, France | School : Lycée Jean MoulinMy name is Ewan Deniel-Valero, i’m 15, i live in south of France in the little village of Laurens, i study in the secondary school of Jean Moulin in Beziers.
Since my most young age, i dream to work in computer programation, i have since 4 old played to a lot of MMORPGs by passion, and in my 11 old i have study my first programation language
Since, i’m the administrator of a gaming community named Anguloce which produces little amateurs video games.
Since, i know 5 differents languages and i work in a big project of a vidéo game
Since, in my secondary school i work hard for my future, my dream to work in the programmation
Jean Moulin allows me to work in the technological filliary.