School and life in U.S
By Andres | From : Honduras | School : Shawnee Mission NorthWhen my parents gave me the news I was coming to the U.S., I was sad because I was going to missed my friends and family in Honduras. I came to U.S. May first of 2014, but the life in here was hard the first couple of months. I started school at 8th grade, and the first semester was hard. In 8th grade I got in a fight with a kid who was being racist. I was scared about the trouble I was going to get into, but it was just 1 week of OSS “Out of School Suspension”. I was scared of getting in trouble with my parents. The first Christmas in the U.S was very boring. I thought that the snow was cool, but now I hate snow. In fact, I hate winter in the U.S. My freshman year was easier than 8th grade me because I understood more of the language, but I still had 4 hours of ELL classes. As a freshman, I started to miss Honduras. I wanted to go back and I was thinking of quitting school it was boring and I didn’t like the language because it was hard to learn. What I hated most is that people talk bad about you, especially racist comments that I didn’t understand. I hated the school that I went for freshman year. In my sophomore year I have improve a little more my English, in school I have got in many trouble this year because I haven’t think before I do the things until now. I am trying to get my grades up and more so next year I can play soccer. I think that school in the U.S. is hard especially if you don’t know English.