Never Give Up
By CDG | From : West Palm Beach | School : Royal Palm Beach High SchoolI was so depressed to be back again in the United States, believing that I will never play soccer with my friends. The last Monday I played soccer in the Municipal of Malacatan , Guatemala was a week before I moved to the United States.
When I was 10 year old when I moved from West Palm Beach to Guatemala, I remember I was in 5th grade. I was a school safety patrol. A safety patrol is student that take care of the school and could pass kids cross the street. It was a important to me because I fell like a good person , 6 year later my parents decided to move again because they wanted me and my siblings to have a better live because we was born here in United States. They wanted a good future for us, so I move back. In life we pass good and bad moments but we never need to give up because we need to trust in ourselves and keep going.
During that Monday in which we were told about the news, I was hanging out with my soccer friends before soccer practice. We were teasing each other and laughing at each other. After 5 minutes, this guy came to us and told us to play soccer with them. We play the first game and we lost. We were annoyed and then we wanted a revenge. We played and won the 2nd game. My friends and I did not give up. We were so glad because we won the game and they give us a prize. Soon, we went to have fun when we won the game and they give us a prize. We went to a fair and we was so happy and my cousin call his girl.
After we had fun I was coming into my house when i heard my parents talking that we were going to move to the United States. At that moment, I couldn’t believe that I played my last game and I said: ‘’What’’. I tell my parents to give me another month. They told me “We can’t give you another month because we already got your tickets”. I told my parents “why you got my ticket without my permission”. At that moment, I came out of the house and went with my friends and talk about that I was going to move to United States. I was feeling frustrated and furious because my parents bought my ticket and I was moving again. My cousin came and tell me “I hope you will be back with us and when you are in United States remember that you have friends here” .
During Saturday, my last day of being in my municipality, I went to the stadium to see an unknown soccer team play, I wanted to enjoy my last days with my friend and cousin. I told my cousin that when I will be able to play again in this field where I always felt very glad. I told him that I hope to make friends so I can play soccer again . When the game finished, I went to tell my friends to take care. When I said goodbye I was sad, these were my friends who I used to hang out, I like it there more than here in the United States.
I just waited for the night so I could travel to the airport. I was alone waiting for the airplane to arrive. I waited for 2 hours. I was worry because I had my flight at 11:00. So I waited after 2 hrs when the employees announced that the plane was going to land in be able to traveled.
I finally got in the plane and fell asleep because I was tired from the travel. Then when I realized that it was 5 minutes to reach my destination. My family was waiting for me. They told me that they couldn’t believe that I’ve grown.
After a week, I told my cousin if he plays soccer and he said ‘’yes, I do”. I told him that I wanted to play soccer, he answered “of course we are”. I was glad to hear those words from my cousin. I was scared that I would never play soccer in this country because my friends were not around. The first day I went to play soccer after arriving to West Palm Beach, I was so happy to play the sport I love. I felt excited because it felt like home again. In the life we pass good and bad moments but we never need to give up because we need to trust in ourselves and keep going. That is my plan.