My heart – My Eyes
By Javen | From : Boston | School : Horace Mann School for the DeafEye, I started watching YouTube about Pokemon Go.
I started looking into that person.
Really, a person have a lot of collections of Pokemon Go at a beautiful apartment.
I began to be the same as Youtubers to earn the Pokemon Go collection.
I save my money to make my apartment.
That is my big goal which makes me feel happy for my life-changing.
I usually have no goals for the future established.
When I saw this person, it inspired me to change my life.
My dog name is Chula.
You all the best for my heart in the world because you always involved in my class every day.
It doesn’t make me feel lonely.
I know him very important for the heart.
I know the impact until his death.
I feel alone with no one just me sitting in class.
It makes me feel happy to show my smile but not anymore.
I never made myself happy.
I tend to show my fake happiness to other people.