
A Fight

By Yarixa  |   From : El Salvador  |   School : International High School at Langley Park

My story beagin in San Miguel, El Salvador at school, when I was 8 years old and I was in second grade. But that school is the best for me because I haved a lot friends.

I was feeling happy because that was a new day and that was in the middle of the year. I went to school and I entered to the classroom. I was seated in front of the class, and I heard that my classmates were bullying me for no reason. They were yelling me bad words that I prefer don’t said.

When I was seated and quiet my classmates started to saying bad things about me and I was feeling frustrated about it because I didn’t know why they were doing that.

After all of that I really get mad and I started to think what I am going to do because I was so mad and distractive for me because I was so focused doing my work.

After that I get frustrated, my classmate was trying to fight with me, and they were two against me. So I fought back I grabbed them by the neck, and almost I killed them because I was so frustrated and could not control myself.

During the fight the teacher entered to the  classroom and she took me out of the classroom and called my aunt. And then my classmates were crying (lol). Finally my aunt took me to the home. Lastly, the teacher said that I was suspended for two days.

After all of that I was in the home, and I told everything to my aunt and she told me that the way that reacted was not appropriately and she also said that I need to apologize with my classmates.

After all happen, finally I came to school and I apologized with my classmates, also I apologized with my teacher. Lastly, my classmates told me that they are not going to do the same again. 


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