I can’t see colors
By Cindy Lopez | From : Peru | School : Bloomfield High School
I am from a gray city, Lima
With foggy and cold days,
Where everything is dark and gray
Where I can’t see colors
Until the sun rises
I am from a noisy street
Where dogs are barking all night
Where people scream what they sell
From a street that needs to be silent
I am from a dangerous place
Where you can get hurt for a phone
Where they can put a gun to your head
For a few cents
From a place, where people
Don’t respect each other
I am from a particular family
Where you can’t feel what’s next
Where there is not trust
From a family, where I can feel love and judgement
at the same time
As if you are on a pendulum of emotions
I am from a mix of races
A mix of different languages and traditions.
A mix of colors, from conquistadors and kings
From a strong and powerful race
I’m from a judging world
Where I’m afraid to share what I think
Where I don’t know where I belong
From a world that is waiting for my mistakes
Where my feelings are restricted
I am not where I’m from
It’s hard to know where I belong