De Puerto Rico a Panama City
By xrosajy | From : Panama City, FL, USA | School : Bay High SchoolWhen I was 5 years old I shared a lot with my older brother. After 2010 and 2011 I could no longer spend time with him because I moved to another town in Puerto Rico away from him. After 6 years in 2016, I could see him and I felt very well. It was a moment of many emotions I was very much needed. For personal things and for his mom we could not see it anymore, After that moment I did not see him again until 2017 when I went to a basketball game where he was going to play. Then on September 24, 2017, Hurricane Maria occurred that destroyed Puerto Rico too much! It was very horrible to be days without light, without water, we had to give up food because there was not much money, we went hungry and thirsty. My parents lost their jobs and we had to come to the United States, after we came to the United States my parents got jobs and we were very well we had a better life, we had to learn a new language and nothing has been done to me. After Hurricane Michael in October 2018 I had to vacate my apartment and now I live in my aunt’s house, it is not easy to have to go through two hurricanes but thanks to hurricane Maria I already knew what a hurricane is and I and my family prepared well and we also prepared ourselves mentally to know what we were going to happen and what we were going to see!