

By Daniela  |   From : Everett/El Salvador  |   School : Everett High School

Mi nombre es Daniela y les contaré una pequeña historia de mi vida. Cuando me dí cuenta que mi madre estaba embarazada, al principio yo no quería al bebé por la razón que era de mi padrastro y yo no me llevaba del todo bien con él, pero al pasar el tiempo le tomé un gran aprecio… pero por situaciones de la vida yo me vine a vivir a los Estados Unidos.


Yo le prometí volverla a ver y mientras el tiempo pasaba yo le dije que le regalaría un tablet, pero no le dije cuando. Al llegar su cumpleaños le llegó su tablet sin imaginarsela. El día que se la entregaron yo sentí que ella estaba feliz y lloré de la emoción. Espero volverla a ver y no solo por videollamada. Hay veces en las que la extraño mucho y no solo a ella, sino a  toda mi familia que está en mi país.


Aunque ahora yo no podré ver a un integrante de mi familia, que es mi abuelo ya que él se murió. 


My name is Daniela and I will tell you a little story about my life. When I found out my mother was pregnant, at first I didn’t want the baby because it was my stepfather’s and I didn’t get along well with him, but as time passed I started to care about her a lot… but because of life situations I came to live in the United States.


I promised her I would see her again and while time passed I told her I would give her a tablet as a present, but I didn’t tell her when. Her birthday came and her tablet arrived without her having imagined it. The day that they delivered it to her I felt that she was happy and I cried from the emotion. I hope to see her again and not just on a video call. There are times I miss her so much, and not just her but all of my family who are in my country.


Even though now I will never be able to see one member of my family, my grandfather, because he has died.


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