
My family calls me Yesi

By Yesenia  |   From : Belle Glade (Florida)  |   School : Glades Central High School

My name is Yesenia Juarez. I am 17 years old. I was born in Florida, but soon after I was born, my parents along with my grandmother and my sister, who was 2 years old, moved to Mexico. I lived in Mexico in the state of Colima, in a community. There I grew up and studied.  The house where we lived was great. The place had a small garden with many flowers. Almost all the people who lived there is my family. The climate of where I am is cool, but the evenings are very warm with plenty of sunshine. Where I lived smelled good; in the morning it was fresh, but in the afternoon it was hot. It felt good, comfortable, and quiet.  It had a lot of vegetation and around was full of mountains. In my room you could find pictures of me from my childhood and my family and more things that identify me. The names of people in my family are Olivia, Anselmo, Luciana and Anselmo. One of the two traditions my family celebrates is the fifteen.  It is customary to have festivities. We also have festivities when a saint is celebrated. Words are important as my family loves to talk other people, and my brothers and I have nicknames.  My family calls me Yesi and my sister Lucy.  There are words of love and “oh good, god mine experiences usually do”. Some beliefs that represent me are the Day of the Dead, the Day of Love and Friendship, the Day of the Innocents, the days of Easter. The foods that are important for my family are: the sopitos, toast, enchiladas, tacos, and a variety that is typical of my family. I remember from my childhood when my brother went out with my friends, or going to his house to play, and when my parents with my brothers and played with them. People from my country liked to do many things such as parties, meetings, civic events, celebrations, hiking, and many other things traditional. My favorite things are listening to music, watching TV, eating, food, out.

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