
Hey.. it’s finally me

By Valery Mastache III  |   From : San Rafael, Alajuela, Costa Rica  |   School : Everglades High School

My name is Valery Mastache and I am from Costa Rica. I am from “Pura Vida” (good life), but not because of my country, but because for the people who gives you a smile and say hello to you without even know you, even though they don’t have a great day, they still do it.

When I was in Costa Rica I wasn’t being myself at all. I was depressed because of what was going on in my family. My dad leaving us to work in the United States so he could bring us to life here – because my country was turning into a dark place, hard to live without a gun in your house -. My brother wasting his time and our money on some kind of “education”; being deaf in a third world country aren’t funny and that was the joke my brother was passing through, learning literary nothing because they don’t care about disabled people. My mom trying to find a job so she could help my dad with all the payments. Me?… trying to not “bother” with my thoughts, feelings, and bullying. I was being bullied in school because I was different, unusual because I wasn’t the stereotype girl  I was supposed to be. So I started acting like someone else, someone that wasn’t me, someone who would stop them to keep bullying me, but at the same time stopping me from being myself, someone I would never like to be again….

On 2015, We move to the United States, thanks to the hard work of my parents. I was sad, angry and excited. Sad because I was leaving family, friends, memories. Angry because I didn’t want to leave, but I had no choice and excited because I thought to myself “Maybe I can finally be myself because here being different is being normal..”

I didn’t know a lot of the language at the beginning, but I worked hard because of the sacrifice my parents. I became more social, hard worker, open… more myself. Because I told myself “If I had the opportunity to come here I want a better me, I want to make a difference from who I was pretending to be, I want to be ME”

Happy ending? no.

Happy begging of my new journey…. my new me.

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