I’m Alex
By Alex | From : Courneuve, France | School : Lycee Jacques BrelHi guys ,
I’m Alex , I’m 17 years old and I live next to Paris , in La Courneuve. I’m Chinese. I had Chinese nationality because my parents are Chinese but I was born in Paris so I’ve got my French nationality at age of 13. I have 1 little brother and 1 little sister named Guillaume and Astrid. I like playing basketball with my friend and playing “FPS” , “MMORPG” and “MOBA” on computer like a geek but I’m not a geek. I like Japanese’s culture especially their music or their “takoyaki”(a Japanese food with octopus). I like many Japanese’s bands like “SuG” , “Flow” , “BACK-ON” or “LM.C” for example. I dislike the heat although I like basketball . I study in Jacques Brel high school in La Courneuve. I like mathematics and I’m not bad in this subjects but I don’t like history.