
Before I left the Dominican Republic, I remember going to visit seven churches.

By Rosa Cepeda  |   From : Dominican Republic  |   School : MACS The Bronx

I grew up in the Dominican Republic. The neighbors are very friendly. I lived with the family of my dad in the Dominican Republic. I remember that one of my cousins loved tomatoes, but one day he got confused and took a hot red pepper instead of the tomato from the fruit basket. His face was as red as lava coming out of a volcano. It was really funny because he was crying and laughing at the same time. I was very happy because I was always playing with my cousins and making jokes when I was little.

I discovered that I was leaving when I saw that my dad had already bought the flights for me and my brothers. Before I left the Dominican Republic to go to the United States, I remember going to visit seven churches on the days of holy week with my cousins. I was nostalgic and my family was sad because I was always with them. Anything funny always happened when I was with my cousins and my brothers. Later, my mom’s aunt came to pick us up. When we arrived in the United States, my mom was waiting for me and my brothers in my grandfather’s house in the Bronx.

I have lived in the United States for two years. I went to Brooklyn first. When I arrived in the United States, I felt confused because I heard many people speaking different languages. The weather was also different, but the city felt similar. I liked when people spoke different languages because I was really enthusiastic about learning many languages, especially English.

My new home looked a little different. My old home was bigger. When I first came to the United States, I went to live with my mom’s family for a few months and my mom put me in middle school with my cousin and my sister. I was in eighth grade. I remember that it was fun when I was with my cousin, my sister, and my friends because we always used to joke around.

I changed a little after moving to the United States. When I was in the Dominican Republic I was always playing las escondidas, el pan caliente, and las topaitas. Now in the United States when I go to the school the guys are funny like my cousins, but sometimes they are annoying. Something positive was I had wanted to see my mom and meet my mom’s side of the family in the United States. This was important to me because I missed my mom, my brother, and my sister. Something negative is that now I miss my dad and the rest of my family because they stayed in the Dominican Republic, but I’m happy to be in United States because I want a better future for myself.


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