My story
By Carlos Pineda | From : Venezuela | School : West Broward High SchoolMy story
I am from Venezuela and I moved from Venezuela to the United States on December 5th 2015, and since then it’s been a very long story, a lot of things have happened so fast since I moved here, but I think life is so fast here that there is no time to go back and think about what happened, but now that I’m talking about my story, I have to mention what happened at the beginning, at first I didn’t want to leave my country because I felt like I had everything there, all my friends and my family, I was doing good at school, I liked my neighbors and i was already adapted to Venezuela, but a change needed to be done, so I didn’t have any say on what the future was going to be for me and my family, I was 12 when I came and I was afraid of getting bullied at school or that I was never going to learn English, I was in 7th grade when I started school here and I felt relatively comfortable because there were people that helped me be integrated and they were like a huge help because I felt nervous at the begging, I was lost completely, lost mentally because I didn’t know what people were talking about, it was like they were just making noises with their mouths without making any sense, and physically lost because the school was considerably bigger than my old school, I wasn’t used to having to walk 10 minutes to get from one class to another, I wasn’t even used to walking in school because I had only one classroom for the whole school year in Venezuela, but like I said I was able to adapt to the life here and I couldn’t have done it without the help that I got in my first year, I was impressed with how different everything was in here, for me it was like going from one planet to another planet, but I liked it, it wasn’t like I suffered a lot of bullying, in my case it was the complete opposite, they made me feel like one more student, like if I knew them from 1st grade, and I am very thankful for that.
When I passed 7th grade, I lost contact with a lot of people that I felt that were going to be my friends for a long time, and for a few months I wasn’t able to move on from there, I felt like my life was going to end because most of the people that made me feel like one of them left, and my mind and my heart kind of left with them too, but fortunately I moved on from there and met new people, here I learned that nothing is going to be forever and that sometimes there has to be changes that you don’t like but you have to do it for better, and to have to be able to move on from those moments and be strong enough to know that everything is momentary and it doesn’t matter how much you love someone or something, there’s always going to be something else that fills your heart and allows you to live beautiful moments, and that’s what I learned here, this country made me be a more mature person because I learned that everyone has to be responsible for their own things and nobody is going to do anything for you.
Like I said before, moving here has taught me a lot, I have lived beautiful moments but also bad and horrible moments, and that gives me experience to know how to deal with certain things, in these past 3 almost four years I have become a better person and also a smarter person and I hope to keep learning from this country and learn more about life because I am sure that you learn something everyday and there’s a lot of days left for me to live here and my dream is to gain more and more experience everyday to take the best life-changing decisions possible.
Something that I think helped me a lot was being an immigrant, having to go through those moments of nervousness and anxiety helped me be a more patient person and taught me that sometimes you have to suffer now in order to enjoy later, and that is something that I think someone from here that hasn’t really learned those things doesn’t know that, that’s why even though I might be seen as someone different because I am an immigrant I see myself as a privileged person who lived things in the past that helped me be better in the present and hopefully in the future, I know that some people don’t see things the way I do but also my story here and my life has taught me that I have to respect how everyone is and don’t judge a book by its cover which is something that people tend to do a lot
In conclusion, my story has changed a lot from Venezuela to here, and I hope it keeps changing for good like it’s been happening, I already learned that changes occur for a reason and I am not afraid to face them now, this country has showed me a lot and it will still be the place where I learn for many years.