Religion caused me a lot of suffering
By Zakaria | From : Marseille, France | School : Ecole de la 2eme ChanceI was born in Algeria, my parents abandoned me before I even had the chance to know them, then I was adopted by these wonderful people, they gave me a bed to sleep, they gave me a home, I couldn’t ask for more.
I started school; I can still remember the first day of school like it was yesterday, I was a straight A student I had a perfect life, then suddenly I started to think about religion and god, I tried so hard to comprehend it, I spent countless nights up thinking about it desperately trying to understand what religion means, why is it so Important to people more than anything else, I just couldn’t understand, it was just illogical, so it was clear to me, I AM AN ATHEIST.
I told my family about my decision, and the reaction that I received was not what I’ve expected, because to them being a MUSLIM is more important than the concept of FAMILY itself, this shocked me, how can these people do something like this? Why?
And just like that I have no more family; these wonderful people whom I once called my family had abandoned me!!!!
So many questions, so many problems and no answers, no solutions, for a 16 years old, this was rock bottom.
I was so lost, my head was literally spinning, I was so confused at one point I thought of giving up, on everything.
Only this time I found a courage that I didn’t know I had, I have decided that I will not wait for things to get better, it’s me who must make things better, no matter what.
So I quit school, I started working, I bought a plane ticket, and I left as fast as I can, I traveled a lot, Tunisia, Egypt, Spain, Italy, England and now France, before I arrived to the second chance school I had no idea what do with my life, I was this messed up kid, I was so lost, now thanks to this school, I’m doing much better, I made a lot of friends, whom love me and care for me, for who I am, not for what they want me to be, people whom I can trust with my life, finally a place that I can call home.