A Ride That’s Never Ending
By Angie Armenta | From : San Fernando, California | School : Social Justice Humanitas AcademyI was originally born in Mexico and only stayed there for 10 months. My mom, 3 siblings and, me came the United States because my dad was an alcoholic for many years and my mom said that she didn’t want me to live in that household. When we came to the US my aunt gladly let us stay there until we found a stable household. My siblings and I slept in one room because, my mom got jobs that consisted of working at night. When I was younger it was rare if I saw my mom during the day because, she always worked at night. My eldest cousin that was the same age as my sister, that lived with us always took me wherever she went because, I was like a little sister to her. She took me to the bus, the park, she even took me to a hair salon to cut my hair without my mom’s permission. During the time my mom worked she found a boyfriend and started dating. I was 4 years old at the time. After 2 years of dating my mom, she decided to move out so my aunt can have her space. When I was 6 years old we moved out and stayed there. Till now I don’t have a strong relationship dad or have any father figure in my life. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people because, you never know if their going to change your life.
May 17th, 2019 at 5:53 pmyou cool 🙂
May 17th, 2019 at 5:54 pmI was also born in Mexico and your message is so inspiring !<3