The Saddest Story of My Life
By Karuna Giri | From : Nepal | School : Thomas Jefferson Newcomers AcademyThe Saddest Story of My Life
My name is Karuna Giri, and I have one sister one brother, and a mom. My mom’s name is Manika Giri. I have no father and I hate my father because I never saw him.
My parents are from India. We moved to Nepal and then we lived in Nepal. After that, my mom told me that my father was going to find a job, but he never came back. Then, my mom stayed alone with the baby. My mom was working 10 years in Nepal.
My mom did not want to come to the United States, but my brother and I told my mom that we wanted to make our future better, but if we stay here in Nepal, we would never have a better future.
When I was in Nepal, I saw my all friends’ fathers going to work, but my mom was also going with them. When I saw that, I felt like crying. When I was younger, I was fighting with my friends many times. I skipped school when I was in Nepal. But now, if I want to do same like a fight others or skipping school, I am control myself because I want to have a good future.