Singing in the Shower
By Matthew Guadalupe | From : Ecuador | School : Bloomfield High SchoolI am from a small country
With people of big hearts
I am between American and Ecuadorian
From English and Spanish
I am from two volcanoes
Where you could be cold in July
And warm in February
From a city where some children play
Futbol, hopscotch, jump rope
While the others are sent out to the street to beg
Or to sell a chocolate, a candy, a lollipop
And go home with a pocket full of coins
I am from bowls of my abuela’s cevichochos
From tomatoes and dried beef
After a day of parties
I am from practicing BMX and downhill
From speed and jumps
From mountains and tracks and stairs
And falls and broken bones
From an artist family, abuela, dad, tio Beto,
Musicians all
Singing at every party
Or in the shower
Making everyone feel a part of the scene
I am from a place where everyone eats meat
Bife, pollo, puerco
While I mostly eat fries and rice, tomatoes, beans and cheese
The lone vegetarian
Where everyone stares
-November 2017