Starting a new life during the pandemic
By Knada | From : Palestine | School : Hollywood Hills High SchoolEvery story has a beginning, and mine starts with change. It’s a story about leaving behind what was familiar, stepping into the unknown, and starting fresh in the middle of one of the strangest times in recent history. My name is Kanda, and this is the story of how my life took a big turn on March 3rd, 2020.
It was the day my plane landed in Florida. COVID-19 was just starting to take over the world, and the news was filled with reports about the virus. Airports were shutting down, people were canceling trips, and everything felt uncertain. My family and I had just made it in time. We flew one day before they closed the airports because of the pandemic.
It was me, my mom, and my little sister on that flight. We were leaving behind so much, but we were also starting something new. When we landed, my dad was waiting for us at the airport. I remember how happy I felt when I saw him. It had been a long flight, and seeing his face made me feel safe and at home, even though everything around us felt uncertain.
We moved to Boynton Beach, a quiet and sunny town in Florida. It felt so different from where we had come from, calm, warm, and filled with palm trees. I loved how close we were to the beach; it felt like a fresh start. Even though the world was shutting down, our new home felt like a little bubble of peace.
Adjusting to life during a pandemic was strange, though. Schools were closing, and everyone had to stay inside most of the time. It was hard to meet new people or make friends. I didn’t start school until August, and that was when I entered sixth grade. It was a big transition not only was I starting middle school, but I was doing it in the middle of a global pandemic. Everything was different, from wearing masks to learning online, but I was determined to make the best of it.
Even with all the challenges, those first few months in Boynton Beach were the beginning of a new chapter for me and my family, a chapter full of changes, growth, and finding our way in a world that felt upside down.