Viviendo Mi Sueño
By Christian | From : Honduras | School : Lake Worth High SchoolLiving my dream
I am Christian and this is my story. My dad came to the United States 10 years ago, and I stayed with my grandparents in Honduras. My mom was not with me, she left me. I used to see her, but it was not the same as having the love of a mom or a dad. It was very difficult. Since I was a little kid, I had already thoughts of coming to the U.S. because I wanted to be with my dad. I used to miss him a lot, but my dad did not want me to come here yet because he said that I was very difficult. But I continued telling him that I wanted to come to be with him that I did not want to be in my country; it was then when he told me that it was O.K. One day he told me that I was coming, I got super happy because very soon I would be with my dad. But when that day came, it was very sad. I did not want to leave my grandparents. The farewell was very sad because I did not know when I was going to see them again or if I would ever see them again. On my way to the United States, I realized what my father used to tell me, “that it was not easy”. To be able to fulfill the American dream, you have to suffer. But now as time has passed in the U.S., I have had to get used to it. It is not easy to leave behind your family in your country; I just hope that I can see them very soon.
Viviendo Mi Sueño
Soy Christian y esta es mi historia. Mi papá se vino a los Estados Unidos hace 10 años, y yo me quedé con mis abuelitos en Honduras. Mi mamá no estuvo conmigo, me dejó. Solía verla, pero no era lo mismo que tener el amor de una mamá o un papá. Fué muy difícil. Desde pequeño, ya tenía pensamientos de venir a los Estados Unidos porque quería estar con mi papá. Solía extrañarlo mucho, pero mi papá no quería que yo viniera todavía porque él decía que era muy difícil. Pero yo le seguí diciendo que me quería venir a E.U. que no quería estar en Honduras, fué entonces cuando me dijo que estaba O.K. en tantos días usted sale para acá. Ese día estaba muy feliz porque ya muy pronto iba a estar con mi papá. Pero cuando llegó el día que tenía que venirme, fue muy triste. No quería dejar a mis abuelitos. La despedida fué muy triste porque no sabía cuándo los iba a volver a ver, o quizás ni los podría volver a ver. En mi camino a los Estados Unidos me di cuenta de lo que mi papá me decía “que no era fácil”. Para poder cumplir el sueño americano, tienes que sufrir. Pero ahora al pasar el tiempo de estar en los Estados Unidos, me he tenido que ir acostumbrando porque no es fácil dejar a nuestra familia en nuestro país, sólo espero que los pueda ver muy pronto
May 8th, 2017 at 5:58 pmLo Inpactante de mi vida
May 8th, 2017 at 6:07 pmthis is good that you have all the requirements needed in order to get a highly score.
May 8th, 2017 at 6:14 pmhow would you describe your parents in 1 word.
May 8th, 2017 at 6:15 pmmi vida!!!!! mi vida
May 8th, 2017 at 6:20 pmWhy did your dad finally say it was OK after you asked and asked?