
I wish France became a country more open to asylum seekers, immigrants, refugees, undocumented immigrants, especially those who want to succeed and come to France to fulfill a dream.

By Lamia  |   From : Saint-Denis France  |   School : Suger High School

My name is Lamia. My parents come from Morocco. They have been in France for a long time. They had time to get integrated to the French culture and mentality and tolearn French. But they have not forgotten their values and principles learned in their country and they are trying to convey them to us and this is what makes them a unique family.

In my family we have received a special education and just for this I feel different. I have several classmates who have the same religion, yet we do not agree on everything. I am torn between two cultures and I must adapt myself. There are two different ways for me :  how I am with my family and how I am outside with my friends.

I do not think my story is unique because I know very similar stories. But I hope that with time it will become unique, I hope to make my family proud. I was born in France, I grew up in France, I have my studies and my friends here, so I feel like home. I hope to succeed in music, continue shows and concerts because I really like this.

Succeeding would be like fulfilling the American dream for me. I would go from rags to riches in music. And I wish France became a country more open to asylum seekers, immigrants, refugees, undocumented immigrants, especially those who want to succeed and come to France to fulfill a dream. Our generation is influenced by music, movies, TV so I hope this kind of film, like « I learn America », will influence generations to come.


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