
Not enough time

By Martin Merino-Lazcano  |   From : Ecuador  |   School : Bloomfield High School


Covid is scary

Covid is not momentary

Covid came to stay

There is no one who we can blame.


No one ever knew

How it was going to affect

Everybody’s life

And never go back to normal.


My mom and my dad

Are always worried  

Of my brother and I

Because covid can reach us.


I clearly remember

Playing with my dog 

I sniffed her fur

It didn’t smell at all.


Happy we were 

We thought we escaped it a whole year

Avoiding covid by any means

But it was more than just a dream.


Positive we tested

Food we rejected

No appetite we felt

We were going to lose some weight!


Pain all over my body

Not only me but my parents felt it too,

My parents made me feel worried 

Their condition is risky for this “flu”.


Hearing coughing all around

It was a nonstop sound

Seeing mom and dad lying in bed

And my brother needed help.


Windows open, we needed air

Kitchen messy, no time for that,

It just felt like we were dead

And yet we were still in bed.


But we 

didn’t have 

enough time 

for that.


We were all struggling hard

Not knowing how long it was going to last

Even migraines blocked my sight

And I felt like it was just the start


Two weeks passed by really fast

Smelling and tasting never came back

Thank god other symptoms went away

It wasn;t just a bad headache

It was more than just a high fever

The strong chills were so scary

Not smelling things was an advantage at times

Because neighbors cook smelly food

We couldn’t stop coughing

Nose bleeds everyday

Abdominal and back pain

Fatigue was limiting our ability to live

We smile now for surviving this nightmare.


Fatigue still invades our lives

It’s a covid symptom that lasts

Laying in bed all day is what we want


But we 

didn’t have 

enough time 

for that.


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