
A lot of Days Inside

By Freddy Intriago  |   From : Uruguay  |   School : Bloomfield High School

I am from the time when 

Covid 19 was in and it’s still in

The world. I am from when we have to wear a 

Mask everywhere that we go.


I am from the time when we’re the whole day 

Inside home and staying a lot of days

Inside home and not going anywhere 

I am from the Quarantine  staying at home.

When I used to only sleep , 

play with my Playstation or talk with my friends.

I am from the time that we couldn’t see our family 

like my Grandparents , cousins and my uncles.

For a long time and cannot be with them because 

We have to protect each other. I am from the time 

That we cannot be close to each other only with the 

People that we know.


I am from the time that we couldn’t go to 

School and our school is virtual every day in

The week and staying all the day on the bed not 

Doing anything,  for me virtual class is not good and

it’s not the same as in person.

I am from the sadness that I was sad

Because I couldn’t see  my family and I couldn’t go 

To my country last year to see my friends and family that 

I really miss.


-Freddy Intriago, Uruguay 


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