
always have hope

From : Maryland  |   School : Maryland

There’s  always going to be problems in your life but just always have hope that you will overcome them  and you will .  When i first came to the united state i thought  it was   going  to be about having fun , going out seeing all the fun places i have thought off in my head back when i was in my country ,but let me tell you it is nothing like that .living here was so difficult/ depressing  ,not knowing how to speak english good  or interacting with people  that i wanted to go back to my country .


Coming to the united states was so difficult no body got me ,school was so complicated,people would often make fun of me because of the way i talk and bully me .i often cry because to me it was getting out of control and it got me depress . one day my teacher came to me and told me that i   had to  stay back because my grades were not that good and because my cooperation in class were  not  good either .when she told  me that i felt so left out ,felt so stupid .


I knew that staying back was not the end of my life it was for better and my teacher cares about me and my future  .i have to admit staying back was actually  good because i made some new friends ,my english was improving and i started doing my homework and studied hard ., at the end i got honor roll i was so happy i felt so  proud of myself and i felt like i finally  achieve  something good for once  plus my parents were proud of me .  i graduated the sixth grade ,got my certificate  and i got enrolled into middle school which in a million years i would never thought . now at the end i am in high school which was unbelievable i never expected that either i felt proud when i graduated middle school and i know i got more steps in the road .
Coming to America was actually best thing  that ever happen  to me i hated it at first obviously  because  of the steps i had to go through  but bad things always happen but good can always come out of it  .


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