
Freaking Pandemic

By Abel Vallejo   |   From : Ecuador  |   School : Bloomfield High School

Yo soy del Español

El lenguaje que mejor entiendo y use toda mi vida

Que cuando escuchó me genera seguridad 

Las conversaciones que tuve en este idioma 

Van a quedar grabadas en mis recuerdos y corazón 

Quisiera pertenecer siempre a esta lengua

Pero no se puede debido a esta maldita pandemia


I don’t dislike English but it’s very confusing

It’s very difficult to know what are people saying

but there were times when I didn’t know English

Now I can understand and write some things, so

There’s no time to give up

I hope to be able to classify myself as bilingual soon


I am from a quiet street

Where people are nice 

Cheerful, respectful, kind and humble

I am from La Salle High School

The best school in my city

Where students have no comparison 

The teachers are boring and the authorities are the worst 

But a unique and very special place

that I had to leave because of this damn pandemic


I am from Ecuador 

The best landscape I have seen

A country like no other 

I am from my family 

An ordinary family 

Full of love and affection

and I separated from them thanks to this pandemic


There was also a girl that I liked

A different girl

she was not famous or superficial

self-confident, intelligent, pretty 

She is very funny and annoying at the same time

and suddenly I have to say goodbye

Unbelievable everything that happened in such a short time

my mom’s tears still hurt me


A freaking pandemic

What nobody expected to happen 

An sudden event that stopped the world 

People dying from the virus

Now you must wear a mask to protect yourself

An uncomfortable mask

And here we are waiting for everything to end.


-Abel Vallejo, Ecuador


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