
Home of Expectations

By Lorenzo Bueso  |   From : Honduras/USA  |   School : Everglades High School

I am from weaved baskets,

From baleadas and Sula Orange juice,

I am from the spanglish household, extroverted, traditional, a house that smells of food,

I am from coconut trees, tall and beat up from life,

I’m from asados and amazing dinner every night,

From Mauricio and Claudia,

I’m from high achievers and perfectionists,

From honor roll to being in “lala” land too much,

I’m from fights over religious beliefs,

I’m from Florida and Honduras,

Arroz y frijoles, plátano maduro,

From the young Honduran couple moving to Philadelphia in the 80’s to start a life in the U.S,

From my tio dying as a 20 year old in a car crash in the 90’s,

The old dirty soccer balls my uncles played with that are now sitting in the corner of my abuela’s house,

I’m from this long storyline, and I will become something great to add to it.

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