
My Journey from Thailand to America

By Ku Lweh Say  |   From : Kansas City, MO  |   School : East High School

On October 2014, I left Thailand. Before I left, I did many things. First, I went to dinner with my friend. Second, I took pictures with my friend and my uncle. Third, I said goodbye to my friend and my uncle. When I left my country, I felt sad because I missed my friend and my uncle. I also felt happy because I wanted to come to the U.S.

My journey to America was difficult. It took 3 or 4 days to get to America. First, I took at car from Mae La Oon Camp. Next, a bus at Mae Sot. After that, a plane from Bangkok to Hong Kong. During my journey to America, I was sad because I didn’t know how to speak English. Coming to America was hard for me.

 I moved to Kansas City in 2014. I saw many different things. I saw tall buildings. I saw many different foods. I saw different people. On my first day in America, I felt sad because I miss my friend.

 I go to East High School. My school in Kansas City is different than my school in my country. First, the school day is six hours here. Second, no Gym class in my country. Third, no computer in my country. However, my new school is also similar to my school in my country. First, I use books. Second, I use paper and pens. I like the great teachers at East High School.

 Today, my life is great. First, great school. Second, beautiful place. Third, free education. Today, I feel great about moving to America. I feel happy because I see a beautiful place. I also feel sad because I don’t know how to speak English very well. I am happy I moved to America.

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