
Life’s a mess

By Marie Telusma  |   From : Haiti  |   School : Bloomfield High School

I'm from covid

sickness, death,

wear a mask 

all day.  


social distancing. 

Stay as

far as you can

from your friends.   

Wash your hands a lot.

Symptoms of high fever,

difficulty breathing.

staying home 24/7,

unable to go out, 

afraid of knowing

who might be

infected with Covid-19.

I can't go 

do something fun 

like go to a restaurant

to sit and eat 

with my family. 

I can't go 

to concerts watching

Justin Bieber play. 

I can't go 

to the stadium

to watch a soccer game.  

I can't go 

to school to see

my friend next to me

learning together,

sitting down, having 

lunch together, 

joking with each other, 

going to class together.

We can't even go 

to the park to play soccer 

because if we go 

the cops are

sitting there watching.

They will yell at us 

to stay 6 feet away.

We play with masks 

unable to breathe the oxygen

God created for us.

Covid makes everyone's life difficult.

No fun, no friends

to enjoy the beautiful world with me.

Stuck in a stupid house everyday.

Covid makes people fat.

They don't want to go out 

to be with other people

wearing silly masks 

that make you

want to 


We are even afraid 

to shake hands 

with other people.

Covid makes me 

live in hell.

-Marie S’ Chardjchie Telusma, Haiti

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