
Pain Makes the effort

By Facundo  |   From : Uruguay  |   School : Palm Springs Middle School


I am from Uruguay and then I traveled far…… December 31, 2020, I traveled with my parents to the USA to visit my brothers and their family because my father did not see my eldest brother for 13 years.  In my country it is summer vacation so I was going to spend the holidays with my brothers, but I never imagined what would happen while I was in the USA…  

Fun things happened to me at the airports. For example, I thought I dropped something when I ate bread but it was chocolate from the middle of the bread.  Also, the airport security thought I brought something illegal in my luggage and had to inspect my suitcase, but it was just a glass.

There were also parts on the trip that for me was my first time traveling on a plane. At first, I was nervous about what could happen, but then I liked traveling on the plane although it was boring after takeoff. When we arrived, we had to check for safety and when we left the airport, we had to wait for one of my brothers, but we waited for about twenty minutes for him to pick us up. We went to his house, and I met his two daughters, his wife and wife’s cousin although I know he is half confused, you can understand.

We greet each other, we talk about everything a bit, then visit other places, like the thrift store, the mall and the other places.  What is most important is that we spend time with the family. After 15 days, we stayed at my other brother because the plans were that we were talking turns for 15 days in one house and 15 days in another.

We stayed with him and experienced things we had never tried, like eating mexican, peruvian food and we also ate lobster.  We went to Disney World, we went to DEFY, it’s a place to jump and do somersaults and we went to many other places where I never thought I would experience.

But the best thing was to be with the family because I know a lot that I don’t often get to see them.  I know it sounds cheesy but it’s best to be with the family because whatever happens they will always be there to support you, guide you, and accompany you in the difficult moments and that is when the day came that I decided to stay in the USA.

  A day came when I was sick. Where I thought about the moments that happened in my country and the opportunities that in my country and the opportunities that in the USA.  I couldn’t sleep because I thought about what to do. I couldn’t sleep because I was nervous. I couldn’t sleep because I was scared.  Scared of this new life in the United States. 

My mind was split in two, as if I had a piece that says I would stay and another part that I go back, I did not know what to do. Everyday I thought  more and more, until finally…. I said that…I

stay in the USA.  I asked my parents, and they thought about it and in the end they said YES, but that I had to have responsibilities and study.

After this the days went by until the day arrived for my parents to leave.  My father told me never to look back and always look forward.  That’s when my parents drove to the airport. There I realized my pain.  So much pain at the airport! Mucho dolor pase en el aeropuerto.

And to think that I was on vacation.  But in the end that decision marked my life and without saying goodbye personally to my family.  Just imagine not saying goodbye to your family. No me imagino no decir adios a mi familia.

But everything happens for a reason…..

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