
Becoming a Father

By Abdiel Duprey  |   From : Puerto Rico  |   School : Vineland High School (NJ)

Two years ago, I was in love with a girl who didn’t love me back. I was heartbroken and depressed. An ex-girlfriend started to come to my house a lot because she and my mother were friendly. Because I felt vulnerable, I started talking to her again. One day my mother had a mini party and she came to my house. I had a few beers and got drunk. That was my downfall. I didn’t know what I was doing and we had sex. The next day, I was sad because of what I had done. I didn’t leave my room and I stopped talking to her again. A few months later when I started school a friend of mine came to visit. I felt better because my friends and the school made me forget what happened a little bit. When I got home, I played video games to help me feel better. On a day in October, my mother received a phone call. It was the girl’s mother saying that her daughter had fainted and that she was pregnant. My mother asked, “How is this possible?” I was frightened when I saw my mother’s face. She looked shocked and scared. My mother told me we had to go and that I should remain calm. I said I was calm but I really wasn’t. I felt like I wanted to die at that moment because I didn’t love the girl or anything, I felt super bad but I pretended to be calm. After a few minutes we arrived at her house and Mom told me to stay in the car. She got out quickly and started talking to the girl’s mother and then with the girl. After a while, after leaving me alone in the car, my desperate Mom got in and we went home. I started to watch some cartoons called anime and It made me feel much better by distracting me a lot. I was calmer and thanks to the anime I had the strength to face my mistake and move on. I also had the strength to face the girl’s mother who wanted her to abort the baby. I convinced her not to and after a few months the baby was born. I was present during childbirth, I saw everything, and I was the one who cut the cord. The baby was born with respiratory problems because she breathed in the liquid that comes out when the baby is born. They had to put her in an incubator for a while to check for other symptoms or another problem, but everything went well. Finally, the mother took the baby home and after school I went to her house and I was with the baby for a while. After the 30 days that the baby had to be with her mother, my mother and I wanted the baby to come to my house and stay, but the mother and the girl did not allow it because the baby had not been vaccinated. We said “Okay” and after a while when the baby had all her shots we asked again if the baby could stay at home or come visit my house. The mother of the girl said “no” again, because the baby was very small. We wondered, “why is it that we can only see the baby at her house?” My mother was very angry, but then I told my mother to ask her if the baby could come with her own mother for a while. Then the mother said that it was fine. Finally, the baby came home for the first time. I could not be with the baby because I felt uncomfortable, I went to my older brother’s room. When another friend of ours came, he is like our brother and like a son to my mother, he convinced me to be around my baby more and then I spent some time with her. Since then I have spent lots of time with my daughter. Now I feel very close to her, I feel good being a father for the first time. After so much suffering and sadness in the end I could come out of my depression and now I’m very happy.

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