
You Are My Person

By Paula Imbert  |   From : Dominican Republic  |   School : Bloomfield High School

first of all

i want you to know  that i love you 

i’m always gonna be here for you*

no matter the distance

no matter what time is it 

no matter how i feel 

i’m always gonna be there for you even though you can’t see me in person

i’m in that phone that you have

you just  have to call me in facetime and you will see my face 

but also we can do 

Skype,call,chat (whatsapp,imessage), etc

the thing is there are so many ways we can talk 

you’re  my person,

you’re the person who understands me

you understand when i’m angry and don’t wanna talk

because of the problems of my house

when my dad and my brother argue

when my brother has one of his bad days

and he wants to  argue with everybody

you  understand when i’m just mad

because i get mad and angry I just do

i just get mad and pass the whole day like that



you are the person who tells me everything she does.

when you argue with somebody 

when somebody talks badly to you

when you do something interesting 

like when you  go to parties

when you go to resorts (hotels ) 

when you go to clubs and have fun with our friends 


please  never forget 

all of our adventures in Santo Domingo

that little city in DR

with a lot of different types of people

the mean people, the cool people,

the weird people, the anti-social people, the noisy people, the calm people,etc 

the food there that’s sooo goood

And all the parties we went to together                                             

and  where we danced to Bad Bunny and Ozuna 

we sang “Escapate conmigo!” 

after the parties

we used to do sleepovers 

and eat pizza

(pepperoni with extra cheese)

and talk all the night

we talked about what we did at the parties

what we saw in the parties

like if we saw people kissing or fighting 


we use to talk for hours and hours about everything

we talked about what we would do in the future

things we wanna do together 

things that we know


you know when i feel bad

when i’m not in the mood

dry, grunt , angry

rolling my eyes , but not on purpose, 

It’s just because everything stinks

when i argue with my mom in the morning

and that affects my whole day

I pass the entire day mad and with a angry face

my face looks very different when i’m mad 

my eyebrows are down

i do mean faces and i look at the people  badly but it’s not on purpose 

It’s just i’m mad and i want to disappear 


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