If I had a dream it would be to fight against prejudices.
By Elsy | From : Saint-Denis France | School : Suger High SchoolHello to you who will read this letter,
My name is Elsy, I am 17 years old and shall be 18 soon this year (in March) and I am French.
I had the opportunity to see the movie “I learn America” and to meet the director Jean-Michel Dissard later to speak about the movie, about the question of immigration and integration. According to the director, each of us has a story and even if I find that my story is not really interesting, I am going to try to tell it to you.
My mother was not born here but in the Antilles, contrary to me who was born in France. She has never really told me about the reason why she had to come to France and I do not dare to ask her. My father was born in the Antilles too and was part of the army for some time. I do not see him any more today, then I do not know what he became.
As regards my life here I shall say that I don’t live necessarily in bad conditions. At least at the moment not, because I have not still really had to experience what the real world of the adults will expect from me. Besides I am black and that I am a girl (double discrimination).
The only thing which I remember and which I shall always remember is the time I went to middle school. I remember, I said I was from the Antilles and a black girl like me came and looked at me and said : «you’re not a real black», just because I had no African origins. That was striking for me and unfortunately I hear it more and more these days. Why do people make a difference ? Why does it have to matter ? What does it mean to be white ? What does it mean to be Black ? If I had a dream it would be to fight against prejudices faced by those who have the same skin colour as me and also against sexism and violence against women!
Here we are! You know everything! Lots of kisses guys! I look forward to reading from you !